Somarriba Packages: Our Line Of Custom GLOCKS!
As our Somarriba Packages line continues to grow we have taken advantage of the highly customizable GLOCK platform, improving them with every necessary practical feature. What was once a plain-Jane GLOCK is now a fully prepared package that is brought to you not by some mass-producing factory, but master gunsmiths and is ready to go out-of-the-box!
Undoubtedly one of the best sub-compact handguns on the market, however it comes with a capacity disadvantage compared to some of the other industry sub-compacts. Thankfully Shield Arms has solved that issue with quality steel magazines. Instead of having to go through two parties to assemble your package, Somarriba has gone ahead and done all the leg-work for you including switching out the magazine catch from plastic to steel ensuring your firearm does not easily deteriorate. We have TWO options outfitted it with the following:
Trijicon RMRcc - 3.25 MOA
Ameriglo Tall 7x Co-Witness Sights
(2) 15rnd Shield Arms Magazines - Flush Fit
Steel Shield Arms Magazine Catch Upgrade
Similar to the 43X, except with a longer grip and the same capacity issue. Same treatment to the 43X was done to the 48, leveling it up significantly in terms of practicality and overall usefulness. We have outfitted it with the following:
Trijicon RMRcc - 3.25 MOA
Ameriglo Tall 7x Co-Witness Sights
(2) 15rnd Shield Arms Magazines - Flush Fit
Steel Shield Arms Magazine Catch Upgrade

Taking a step up to the big boys now, we found that the biggest issue and upgrade to be made is the optics. Using the industry best, Trijicon, we have leveled up the G19 from the basic white dot sights that are unpractical to an extremely durable red dot paired with co-witness night sights. We have outfitted it with the following:
Trijicon RMR Mounted
Co-witness Trijicon Bright And Tough Tritium Nightsights
