Pistol Review: HK's USP Elite

The USP Elite is one of Heckler & Koch's greatest target pistols taking features from the Elite and other previous models, to provide a more accurate, sleek design that hits on target every time. During the development of the Elite, HK took features preferred by U.S. law enforcement and military to design the best target pistol for American shooter.
The Elite took the Expert's 5.2 inch barrel and redesigned it to create an even more accurate pistol by stretching it to 6 inches along with a sleek new target slide. To help maximize accuracy, the Elite's slide is also hand-fitted to the specific pistol. The Elite also employs a match trigger with an adjustable trigger stop and high-profile fully adjustable front and rear target sights.
The barrel features the same elastomer O-ring as the Expert, located just behind the muzzle as an interface between the barrel and slide that significantly improves the weapon’s accuracy. Along with high strength glass fiber reinforced polyamide frame with stainless steel inserts that reinforces high-stress areas increasing overall durability and strength.
The innovative recoil/buffer system is also found in the Elite, Expert, and other USP variants. This patented system uses a guide rod that has two captive springs, a full-length recoil spring and a short, smaller diameter buffer spring just in front of the hooked locking lug at the rear of the guide rod assembly. The latter spring buffers the barrel as it unlocks from the slide. This can reduce measured recoil by as much as 30%.
At Somarriba, Inc. we feature a collection of over 20 pistols including the USP Elite among several other variants of the USP Series. We also house many pistols of the VP9, P30, P200, and HK45 lines. For any additional information on any of our HK products call us at 305-252-6677.