Pistol Review: The CZ P-10 Compact
CZ has continuously delivered exceptional firearms and the P-10 C is no exception. CZ's first striker-fired handgun in the market, the P-10 C, is designed to truly fit the needs of the real, everyday shooter, along with military and law enforcement personnel. These expectations have produced a pistol that is extremely durable, accurate, and provides a solid grip for everyone.

The P-10 is a medium sized compact, striker-fired pistol made for everyday carry and duty.
A hallmark of all striker-fired pistol is good value on a quality pistol that asks for little or no modification. In this case, the P-10 performs beautifully providing great trigger-action quality, an extremely versatile grip, and an aesthetically appealing design.
CZ has a long standing tradition of making pistols with exceptional grips and the P-10 lives up to that. In all cases, the finest pistol is useless if it does not fit the hand of the shooter and the engineers have designed the P-10 in such a way that it fits any hand with minimal adjustment.

In regard to the fire controls, the P-10 is fitted with an ambidextrous slide release. The release is serrated and laid flat up against the grip frame and bottom of the slide. While this is ideal for concealed carry as it won’t hang up on clothing or skin, takes a firm push to depress slide release, this may be a feature the shooter may need to get accustomed to.

The mechanical configuration and function of the P-10 C is much like other polymer-frame pistols, but with a few key differences, the main being it's astonishing ergonomics. Upon grasping it and assuming a shooting grip, you instantly understand what the P-10 C is all about.
A remarkable aspect of the P-10 is that it completely bypasses the ‘brick-in-the-hand’ feeling that has plagued the striker-fired genre. With the CZ grip angle, the P-10 avoids that , allowing it to point naturally. A mild palm swell, deep beavertail and three interchangeable backstraps make the P-10 fit a wide variety of hands.

The P-10 C’s fiber-reinforced-polymer frame retains the CZ traditional grip angle, a deeply recessed upper backstrap with slightly concave sides, meant for the trigger finger and thumb, and a mid-grip palm swell. Since the P-10 C lacks a hammer, the lengthy beavertail of the CZ 75-based models is unnecessary and therefore absent.
Next up, the trigger. One of my biggest pet-peeves that many share with me, is the spongy feel of many striker-fired triggers. Thankfully, this isn't the case with the P-10. In fact, it is as though the trigger has already had gunsmithing work done to it, operating consistently smooth, with no creaky spots. Designed to minimize stacking and take-up, the final break is short and crisp with no creep at all, averaging a clean 4.5-5 lb pull. Another impressive feature of the trigger is the short reset allowing for quick, meticulously placed follow-up shots.

CZ engineers have ensured top-notch durability with strenuous military and police testing in mind. Utilizing fiber-reinforced polymer frame and hardy nitride finish it can withstand the toughest abuse. Keeping practicality in the field in mind, CZ engineers designed the P-10 with a generous trigger guard allows use with gloved hands along with a set of metal tactical 3-dot sights that allow for one-handed manipulation.
With CZ reliability, engineered ergonomics and several new and traditional features, the P-10 is the complete package.
At Somarriba, Inc. we carry several P-10 C's in our extensive CZ collection. Check them out using the links below!