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Review: The H&K VP9

In development for more than four years, the VP9 is Heckler & Koch’s latest striker fired handgun that has taken the world by surprise. The “VP” is German for Volkspistole, translated as “people’s pistol,” and indeed it is. It's ergonomic design is superb, surpassing every other striker fired pistol from sights and grip to shooting performance, nothing matches it. The sights are robust, luminous and exceptional for a factory handgun unlike the cheap plastic “place holders” most pistols use today always in need for aftermarket replacements. The trigger is exceptional with an appropriate amount of take up and a very crisp break for a striker-fired pistol. The over travel is minimal, and the reset is remarkable. The VP9 uses H&K’s ergonomic handgun grip design that includes three changeable backstraps and six side panels, accommodating all hand sizes. Military and law enforcement around the world use the VP9 showing it's reliability and excellence in the field. Overall, the VP9 is well-suited for any situation or circumstance for hunters, civilians, and military around the world.

At Somarriba, Inc. we are permium dealers with H&K having access to anything and everything in their inventory. In our e-Store we have several models of the VP9 all ready for you.

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